December 2021
The lab is now member of the CoVaRR-Net (Coronavirus Variants Rapid Response Network)
December 2021
The lab is now associated with the Institute for Research in Immunology and Cancer (IRIC)
May 2021
Etienne is elected on the Board of Directors of the Canadian National Proteomics Network (CNPN): https://cnpn.ca/team/
March 2021
Labmeeting over Zoom
March 2021
The lab is awarded a CIHR grant to investigate SARS-CoV-2 variants. Let’s end this pandemic!
November 2020
David Hamelin is awarded a price for the best presentation at the 7th Annual Montreal Immunology Meeting Symposium for his project entitled: ‘The SARS-CoV-2 mutational landscape disrupts presentation of CD8+ T cell targets’.
Congrats David!
November 2020
Our Orbitrap-Eclipse mass spectrometer, alias Suprema, is up and running. Let’s get some great data!
August 2020
Kevin Kovalchik is awarded an IVADO postdoctoral scholarship for his project entitled: 'Machine learning-assisted identification of SARS-CoV-2 epitopes from mass spectrometry data’. Congrats Kevin!
July 2020
The lab is awarded a grant to develop new immunopeptidomics methods in
partnership with the National Research Council (NRC)
May 2020
The Caron Lab is awarded $205,000 over five years, in addition to a $12,500 Discovery Launch Supplement, for the project Understanding the genesis of the spliced immunopeptidome.
January 2020
Isabelle Sirois and Etienne Caron contributed to the Thankaton (Merciothon in french) on January 21st 2020, a phone marathon with one goal in mind: to reach the highest number of donors and tell them just how much their support means!
More info at:
November 2019
The first paper of the Caron Lab is online: The Human Immunopeptidome Project: a roadmap to predict and treat immune diseases (https://doi.org/10.1074/mcp.R119.001743)
October 2019
A total of three grants were received for the Caron Lab!! The CFI leader grant, FRQS Junior 1 grant and a Cole Foundation transition award.
September 2019
Etienne Caron has delivered a great talk as an invited speaker at the HUPO 2019 meeting in Adelaide!
January 2019
January 2019: Paul Drogaris is recruited as Director of the mass spectrometry platform at the CHU Sainte-Justine Research Center. Welcome Paul!
December 2018
The CARON LAB is awarded a Cole Foundation Transition Award! Good start ☺
November 2018
Isabelle Sirois is recruited as Research Associate. Welcome Isa!
October 2018
Etienne Caron is invited to speak at the Summit for Cancer Immunotherapy, BioCanRx, in Banff, Canada.
October 2018
Etienne Caron is invited to speak at the HUPO meeting in Orlando, Florida.
September 2018
Etienne Caron is invited to speak at the first HUPO-HIPP Summer School in Madrid, Spain.
September 2018
After seven years in Europe and 14 interviews in the US and Canada, Etienne Caron is back to Montreal to establish his lab at the CHU Sainte-Justine Research Center and the Université de Montréal.